Why Do Children Deliberately Act Out And How To Deal With It?
March 24, 2022Can you picture one of those situations where your child is acting out and trying to get on your nerves?
It’s frustrating. Well, maintain your composure and keep your calm for a little more time while we discuss why children act out purely to rile you up.
Here we are talking about scenarios where your children start to break plates or pull flowers out from the garden, and you KNOW they are doing it to send you a message.
- Although you might not realize it, such an act can be out of hurt rather than misbehaviour. Your child might have been upset with something you did or said a while ago without giving attention.
- It might be possible that you are being too harsh on them. If you punish your child for every mistake without letting it go every once in a while, they will start considering it your way to “make them pay” rather than positive parenting.
- They might be feeling ignored or left out. There are chances that you are probably too occupied to give them the undivided attention they want from you. As a result, they are trying to trigger you. We have all heard the phrase, “any attention is good attention.”
- They might be dealing with some trauma. The anger or rebellious act might have nothing to do with you at all. Your child might be annoyed at the events occurring in their lives and taking it out on you.
The main goal under such conditions is to try it ignore the outward behaviour and focus on the underlying reasons. Only then can you understand how to reframe the behaviour positively.
If you see your child trying to wind you up and you have figured out why, let’s look at a few ideas on dealing with it.
- Acknowledge their feelings and make them feel heard. If you shrug their emotions away, the situation will only deteriorate. Build that connection and sense of trust back.
- DO NOT retaliate as a response. You are the adult in the scenario, and you have to do the mature thing and act appropriately rather than punishing them even more. Take the hard step.
- Let it slide every once in a while. If your child acts out in a non-hostile way, just let it go instead of taking the bait. Maybe even laugh it off with them.
Children learn a lot when they start their academic life and go to a daycare centre. If you want the best childcare, Leicester has, visit Playdays Academy. There you will find a rich environment where your child will be cared for and nurtured. Every parent’s dream!